Decide if the following expressions are more suitable for a FORMAL or INFORMAL situation and write them in the spaces. Some expressions could be used in both. Follow the example.

I’d like to introduce Mr. Sanchez.
Hi, I’m Simon.
How do you do?
May I introduce Miss Robinson.
Peter, meet Carlos. Carlos, this is Peter.
Nice to meet you.
Do you know Dave?
This is Maria Lopez. She’s our sales manager.
Pleased to meet you.





Listen to three conversations and decide if the situations give a more formal or informal impression.

1.  Listen     Answers
2.  Listen    
3.  Listen    

Listen again and complete the table.

How many people are speaking?
Which company do they work for?
What do they do?
   (What's their job?)
Mr. Sánchez

Stephen Coles
Jason Newman

Listen again and read the transcription.

Listen   Listen   Listen

I'm a computer software consultant.
I'm an accountant.
I work for Telefónica
I'm in marketing
Always use a or an
before a profession

Choose the best preposition.

1. He’s responsible international accounts.
2. I work IBM.
3. I’ve been working computers for seven years.
4. Julio deals personnel.
5. Carlos is in charge production.
6. David takes care the machines.
7. The Sales Department is headed Maria.

an institution created to conduct business.

"He only invests in large well-established companies"
"He started the company in his garage"

There are four main types of company:

Private company limited by shares - Members' liability is limited to the amount unpaid on shares they hold. This includes those community interest companies (CICs) which are private companies limited by shares.
Private company limited by guarantee - Members' liability is limited to the amount they have agreed to contribute to the company's assets if it is wound up. This includes all RTM (Right to Manage) companies-, commonhold associations and those community interest companies which are companies limited by guarantee.
Private unlimited company - There is no limit to the members' liability.
Public limited company (PLC) - The company's shares may be offered for sale to the general public and members' liability is limited to the amount unpaid on shares held by them. This also includes community interest public limited companies.

· insurance company - aseguradora
· investment company - compañía inversora
· issuing company - companía emisora
· joint-stock company - empresa conjunta
· mortgage company - sociedad hipotecaria
· multinational company - empresa multinacional
· mutual company - mutua
· parent company (holding company) - empresa matriz
· private company - sociedad privada
· public company - empresa pública
· state-owned company - compañía nacional, compañía estatal

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