WebQuest: Today's News


Evaluation of the "Process"

Needs Improvement

Treasure Hunt

Answers are wrong and there is evidence of not having read the articles sufficiently.

It is clear that you have paid litle attention to newspaper pages.

Most answers are right, but there is evidence of not having understood the articles enough.

Have not visited newspaper pages much.

Most answers are right and show that you have read all the articles.

There is enough evidence of having explore newspaper pages.

You answer all the questions correctly and show that have read the articles accurately.

There is enough evidence of having explore newspaper pages extensively.


You have carried out less than half of the exercises and haven't shown much interest in learning new vocabulary.

You haven't paid any attention to the use of reading and vocabulary strategies.

You have carried out at least half of the exercises and shown some interest in learning new vocabulary.

Use of reading and vocabulary strategies has been irregular.

You have carried out most of the exercises and shown interest in learning new vocabulary.

You have used reading and vocabulary strategies

You have carried out all the exercises and shown interest in learning new vocabulary.

You have used reading and vocabulary strategies

Use of Dictionaries/ Take Notes

You use the dictionary rarely or use it all the time, so that reading is not fluent.

You do not take any notes or take notes in a messy way.

You use the dictionary in a sensible manner. So that, reading is fluent.

1. You note the words that you look up in the dictionary.

2. You do not mention the dictionary you use or if it is a key word or not.

You use the dictionary in a sensible manner. So that reading is fluent.

You record the following, but not always:

1. The words that you look up in the dictionary.
2. The dictionary you use.
3. If it is a key word or not.

You use the dictionary in a sensible manner. So that reading is fluent.

You record the following:

1. All the words that you look up in the dictionary.
2. The dictionary you use.
3. If it is a key word or not.


Use of Resources You do not use many of the resources selected by the teacher and look for your own resources. You use most of the resources selected by the teacher, but do not use them accurately. You use most of the resources selected by the teacher, but do not use them accurately. You try to use all the resources selected by the teacher and take advantage of them in an accurate manner.
Final Evaluation
Needs Improvement

Work/ Role Playing

You divide the task, and work separately all the time.

You do not asume your role as a left or a right wing journalist and, instead of that, you establish two new roles as a tabloid and a broadsheet journalist. So that each of you does a front page separately.

Both students participate in the final task and asume the right roles but one of the partner does not asume responsability as he/she should do and, therefore, your group doesn't work properly.


Both students participate equally. Always collaborate and do what they have to do in the team.

Everyone works simultaneously and is responsible for individual work assuming roles.

Everyone shares ideas and listens to each other.

Both students participate equally. Always collaborate and do what they have to do in the team.

Everyone works simultaneously and is responsible for individual work assuming roles.

Everyone shares ideas and listens to the other.


Front Pages

News selection does not represent the most important news of the week.

The layout of both front pages does not show the features of a tabloid or a quality paper.

It is not easy to distiguish news from different political perspectives.

News selection include the most important news in the week.

The layout of both front pages does not show the differences between a tabloid and a quality paper very well.

It is not easy to distiguish news from different political perspectives.

News selection shows reflection and understanding of the task.

The layout of both front pages shows the differences between a tabloid and a quality paper clearly.

Both front pages include news from different political perspectives.

News selection shows reflection and understanding of the task.

The layout of both front pages shows the differences between a tabloid and a quality paper clearly.

Both front pages include news from different political perspectives.

The visual aspect is very attractive.

Writing You do not write a final composition explaining why you chose the selected news in your front pages. You write a final composition but the ideas are messy and your explanation is not very complete and clear. You write a final composition explaining the criteria used to include the news selected in your front pages. You write a good final composition explaining the criteria used to include the news selected in your front pages.

Incorrect use of grammar and errors in spelling.
Poor use of vocabulary and language structures.

Few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation etc. No errors in spelling and grammar and you try to incorporate new vocabulary learnt.

Correct grammar and spelling. Inclusion of vocabulary learnt and the pages show originality.

This site is best viewed at 800 x 600 resolution

Isabel Pérez Torres