WebQuest- Reading and Vocabulary Workshop


Workshop crucial, teacher warns rebel students

In this workshop we have designed exercises to help you improve your reading skills, especially those that are useful for newspapers reading. While you do the exercises you will learn the established conventions about all the elements that constitute a newspaper. This is what we are going to do in this workshop:

- Revise the newspaper elements learnt in the previous treasure hunt.
- Learn the pattern of the headlines and revise a list of key words that are typical of headlines.
- Revise the structure of news writing style.
- Examine the layout of front pages.

In the left column you will find a series of resource pages designed to help you with the exercises. Use them whenever you need advice or help.

Newspaper Elements
Students pledge to review words

- Do this short answer quiz on the menu to revise the terms used to name different parts and features of a newspaper.

- Do this drag and drop exercise Hotpotatoes exercise as many times as you want to check that you have understood all the words. Click on the picture to access to the page.

Students bid to learn 50 headline words

A native speaker reads the headlines to understand the news, a non-native speaker reads the news to understand the headlines.

One of the major problems of reading English newspapers is the language of headlines. However, once you learn the rules to decipher headlines and the meaning of the key words typical of them, it will be as easy as reading any other texts. So, while you do the following exercises take into account the structure and the words of headlines. Use the resources on the left column.

Headlines A. Read about the structure of headlines and do some practice by rewriting the headlines as full sentences in a more understandable way. Do this short answer quiz on the menu as in the example:

Garner pledges to help build Iraqi democracy

Garner promised that he will help to build Iraqi democracy

These are the headlines you will find in the quiz

1. Iraq situation critical, warn aid agencies

2. Business leaders urge euro vote

3. Bush to declare end of major combat


5. 200 buried as quake hits school

6. Nurses save patients amid power cut

7. British journalist shot dead

8. Murder 'victim' in a closet


10. Jail murderers for longer, judges ordered

Headlines B. Click on the headline in the example below and you will see twenty headlines and the first paragraphs of the articles that correspond to them. Read them as quickly as possible and find a word in the paragraph that is similar in meaning to the underlined word in the headline. Then do the short answer quiz on the menu. Have a look at the example:

Gassed by cop I helped

Samaritan Terry Willeatts told last night how he tried to help a policeman - who then sprayed him in the face with CS gas.

Terry, 46, claimed PC Michael Springall "went berserk" when he asked the cop if he was lost.

Headlines C. Do the exercises below Hotpotatoes exercise as many times as you need to revise some more key words in headlines.


Headlines D. Click on the image of the Mirror to read the headlines and the short paragraphs, find the words in the text that correspond to the abbreviations in the headlines.

Then do the exercise Hotpotatoes exercise

Headlines E. Headlines also reflect the style and political attitude of the newspaper. A headline from a news story in "The Sun" will surely differ from the headline of the same news story in "The Guardian". Now that you understand headlines better answer the questions in the matching exercise on the menu.

Text Structure
Teacher hails workshop success

Text Structure A Click here and you will see six articles and the headlines that appear with them. Skim them quickly and do the multiple choice quizon the menu where you will have to match the headlines and the articles:

1. Brits left reeling in TV poll

2. To reign in Spain?
3. Andrew's £10,000 jet trip for game of golf
4. MPs and campaigners slam move for burglars' rights
5. Childminders face ban on smacking
6. Girl officer in 'jail sex hell'
7. Neighbours stunned as family flees
8. Poll win foils coup bid

Text Structure B Choose only one of these two feature stories and find:

'I had too much time to think'
Paper of the future is here

- The lead sentence of the article.
- The name of the reporter.
- A fact and an opinion.
- A sentence where a relative pronoun has been avoided.
- Any example of vocabulary used to attract the reader attention.
- Indirect and direct speech.

Text Structure C Choose only one of these two news stories and write a short summary of it. Try to identify as much of the 5W1H as possible, that is, the information about: what, who, where, when, why and how.

Food watchdog angry at schools chocolate deal
Daniella rages at hyperactive Catalina

Text Structure B and C are to be answered in assignment 2 of module 4.

Front Pages Team heads for competition victory
Cut time, students' fear soars

Front Pages A

We are going to explore online newspapers front pages. Be aware of the following features in each of the newspapers selected.

Daily Telegraph Note that there are four main news sections in the central column. Have a quick look at one news item from each of them.
The Guardian Observe that the layout is different from "the Telegraph". Here, the left column give access to a lot of interesting sections. Do not miss the "all Guardian headlines" and "Today's comment".
Independent Its central column offers a broader choice of articles in more varied fields: business, education, people. Have a look at some of the articles.
The Sun The central and left columns include almost the same sections. Have a look at some of them and don't miss the "TODAY'S FRONT & BACK PAGES" at the top on the right, and of course, "Page 3".
Daily Express Read some of the Breaking News on the left column. They are short and good for increasing your reading rate.
Daily Mirror The homepage is a bit dull, but links on the left column (news, sport, etc) will take you to many other pages with lots of information. Don't forget to click on the "Front Page" at the top on the right, from where you will be able to see all the previous front pages.

- As you explore the papers, you can save some of the news for your final task.

Front Pages B
Read the following headlines. All of them are about the same piece of news, but they have been published in different newspapers.

Daily Telegraph Labour rebels fail to halt elite hospitals Bill
Independent Blair's NHS reform plans hit by 63 rebel Labour MPs
The Guardian 60 Labour MPs join rebellion
The Sun PM defeats rebels on NHS
Daily Mirror NO information about this news
Daily Express Labour rebels defy Blair over hospitals

Now it's your turn: follow the track of a news story in the six papers; skim the news quickly to see the differences in the way the news is presented in different newspapers. Them, write the headlines in the paragraph quiz on the menu.


Our Resources

Treasure Hunt
Reference WebCT
Newspaper-related vocabulary 1
Newspaper-related vocabulary 2
Word list.doc

Transitional words
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Strategies

Newspaper glossary
Glossary of newspaper terms
Media glossary

News Writing Style
The Front Page of a Daily Newspaper
Basic Journalism

Inverted pyramid checklist
Language of news writing
Tips for reading news
Language of the article- Grid

Headlines Style
Headline Words
Headline.doc (50w)
Headline.doc (96w)

Transitional words
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Strategies


Headline Words
Headline.doc (50w)
Headline.doc (96w)
Transitional words
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Strategies
Newspaper glossary
Glossary of newspaper terms
Media glossary
Headline Words
Headline.doc (50w)
Headline.doc (96w)
Transitional words
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Strategies
Headline Words
Headline.doc (50w)
Headline.doc (96w)
Transitional words
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Strategies
Daily Telegraph
The Guardian
The Sun
Daily Express
Daily Mirror
The Front Page of a Daily Newspaper
Basic Journalism

Inverted pyramid checklist
Language of news writing
Tips for reading news
Language of the article- Grid
Newspaper glossary
Glossary of newspaper terms
Media glossary

Transitional words
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Strategies
The Sun
Daily Express
Daily Mirror
Daily Telegraph
The Guardian


Table of papers in UK
In the news
Newspapers in Britain
Newspapers in the UK
The British Papers
Tips for reading news
Daily Telegraph
The Guardian
The Sun
Daily Express
Daily Mirror
Transitional words
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Strategies

This site is best viewed at 800 x 600 resolution

Isabel Perez Torres