Happy New Year


People do lots of special things to celebrate Chinese New Year, this song is about some of them. You can listen and sing along.

Song developed by Cambridge English Online
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BronzeGold6's picture

beautiful fire cracker!

HappySapphire90's picture

I agree with you. This song is too bad. Right people???????????

FlyingLaboratoryTambourine's picture

the song is bad and boring  i agree with you all

ProfessorSwordfishRock's picture

I like this song a lot!

SkatingHarpT-Rex's picture

the song is  boring and bad i agree with you

PrincessDinosaur800's picture

Yeah very bad + boring!

CyclingRugbyHockey's picture

I agree with you! where are you from?

CuteRockCloud's picture

the song was bad