Incy Wincy spider


Incy Wincy is a spider. Listen to a song about Incy Wincy in the rain and the sunshine, and make an Incy Wincy mobile for your room.

Animation by Cambridge English Online
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QueenGold7's picture

I like this song and I love it!!!

VioletSweetTambourine's picture

really cool :))

WhiteRock8's picture

Very nice!

CrystalShellLute's picture

Weeeeelll. Woow.....beautiful song

MissDiamondRobin's picture

I like this song a lot.

KingCoast999's picture

hey, love to sign in again

PrincessDJ8's picture

I like sing a song of Spider but I don't like Spider!

YoungBagPluto's picture

I like  this  song  this  is  great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                   

YellowGreenFly's picture

i very like this song

LadySingerGuitar's picture
