It's up to me and you!


"Can you understand what we have to do? There's only one world, it's up to me and you!"
Listen to a song and find out about things we can do to help to save the planet.

Lyrics by Carolyne Ardron | Animation and song developed by Cambridge English Online
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CrystalJewelDiamond's picture

i dont like it at all but we must follow its rules for our planet!!!!!!!

BlueGoldDolphin's picture

I like this song too! It's right what they say!

PrincessDress9's picture

This song is very nice!

HelloFashion2's picture

I like this song!

DJFrogLake's picture

The song is interesting and true. It can help the planet.

VioletSmooth10's picture

This song is very nice!!! I love it!

BlackTigerForest's picture

I like this song!

MissBronzeGuitar's picture

 This song is awesome and amazing.We must recycle paper and do good things for the planet.

GreenMusicMaracas's picture

From this song we can learn how to protect the Planet! Good luck to all! :)

FabulousBamboo8's picture

I love the song.