Monster rap


He's a hairy, scary monster and he's doing a rap!

Song and lyrics © Dave Holmes; Animation by Xu Gue
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ForeverWhiteSoccer's picture

is very very good but he does not sing good!

ForeverWhiteSoccer's picture

monster rap is very very not rap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ș))

PrincessFlamePlant's picture


LordGogglesHi's picture

I hate this song. and it is stupid.

QueenBuddy8's picture

It's boring very boring! And song is not a scary monster! He's a funny moster!!!

ProfessorTentacle's picture

boring it makes me fell sleepy

DJDragonRain's picture

Ha ha ha..., song is funny, look monster is stupid!!! Ha ha ha!!!

QueenBuddy8's picture

Boring very very boring. I don't like it. I am felling sleepy when i am hearing its music!

BlackPopMusic's picture

 love this one