One small world


So many cities in one small world! Where do you live?

Song and lyrics © Andy Henley/Tym King; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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GoldBeetleAnt's picture

I live in paris france, I like paris a lot and the view is great at the eiffel tower.

PrincessBeach9999's picture


GoldBeetleAnt's picture

hello,do you want to play with me.

MissPharaohLarva's picture

Hi! i'm new here.
I am from Singapore.My towns name is bukit.
There are no special landmarks here.I always  wanted to go to JYMECKA.
From my window I can see a beautiful

MissLuckyMouse's picture

Hi Miss Pharahoh Larva,

Welcome to LearnEnglish Kids. Remember that you must not write your full name and address in the comments, ok? I have deleted it for you this time.

Best wishes and have fun on our site! Miss Lucky Mouse (website editor)

ProfessorGirlCauldron's picture

What's the name of your town and city ?
Are there any famous landmarks there ?
Yes there is Bogor Palace
What can you see from bedroom window ?
I can see a forest

SmilingNatureMouse's picture

It's cool! I love this song so much.
I'm from China. Beijing is the capital city of China. I live in Shenzhen, a southern special economic zone of China.
If the song can be downloaded, it will be better. Anyway, i love it.

PlasticPelicanGlove's picture

Good song!!

PrettyCrystal4000's picture

 why we can't download this great song ??

MissLuckyMouse's picture


We are hoping to make more of our songs available for download this year. We are working hard to make it possible. Thanks for writing! 

Miss Lucky Mouse (website editor)