One small world


So many cities in one small world! Where do you live?

Song and lyrics © Andy Henley/Tym King; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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FunnyLake8000's picture

I like this song

RubyRap3's picture

I love the song too

RedFlute500's picture

My city is Criciuma.
Yes. There are mountains around my city. 
From my bedroom window I can see other houses, trees, etc.

PinkCrystalGoldfish's picture

lovely song

ExtraQuartz3's picture

I live in Uddevalla. It is a little city in the west Sweden.

LadyPearlTulip's picture

 Hi) My name is Dasha

SmileyPrincessTwilight's picture

I live in Turkey, Tekirdağ. It's near Istanbul

LadyAutumnRoad's picture

I live in shanghai . The city in is really a beautiful city.

PlasticGlove60's picture

It makes me funny

WhiteFolkHill's picture

I love my country very much!