One small world


So many cities in one small world! Where do you live?

Song and lyrics © Andy Henley/Tym King; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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QueenWhiteTurtle's picture

i like this song :)

QueenWhiteTurtle's picture

 me too i like the song so good......... 

JadeGemRuby's picture

cool song

MissLuckyMouse's picture

Where are you from Skating Harp T-Rex?

SkatingHarpT-Rex's picture

i like it but it doen't  tell about my country

SkatingHarpT-Rex's picture

this song is good

SkatingHarpT-Rex's picture

i really like this song it's really better than other song

LadyNatureRock's picture

Me too, BrownPallmTeam

BrownPalmTeam's picture

I really like this song!!!