Over the mountains


He's driving a car, riding a horse...he's going over the mountains and through the trees!

Song and lyrics © Dave Holmes; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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PrincessBeach9999's picture


QueenCreamDiamond's picture

it's very nice song

SuperDiamond2's picture

is very beautifful :x

ColourfulBird30's picture

i like this song,
I love this song ,
though i sang this to one of my concerts ......
cool know...   :D,   :)

AlwaysIris400's picture

This song is so happy

ForeverWhiteSoccer's picture

the song is very very nice......................................is so beautiful:)

BlueGoldDolphin's picture

not a bad song, yeah!

SilverRoseTrumpet's picture

hi ,
i want to try plane.

DreamyRuby500's picture

how are download it?

MissLuckyMouse's picture

Hi Dream Ruby 500,

Sorry, at the moment you can't download this song. :(

Miss Lucky Mouse (website editor)