Over the mountains


He's driving a car, riding a horse...he's going over the mountains and through the trees!

Song and lyrics © Dave Holmes; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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JollyJewel900's picture

O.O this song is so cool . I LOVE IT!!.

CaptainIconKnight's picture

Its a very Good Song :)

MissRunnerFrog's picture


GreyAmulet9000's picture


GreyAmulet9000's picture


PinkGold20's picture

this song is collllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!

YoungDragon1000's picture

 Dear MissLuckyMouse,
Could you help me to correct the sentences that I used bad grammar ?
Thank you very much.

MissLuckyMouse's picture

Hi Young Dragon 1000!

Your English is excellent! I'm sorry but I don't correct any mistakes or bad grammar in the comments. The important thing is to use your English to communicate and you do that very very well! :)

Bye for now! Miss Lucky Mouse (editor)

DoctorSongPanda's picture


HappySapphire90's picture

Oh I love this song so much. It's really good. I'm so sad because I can't download this song. Maybe I can download It in the future