People work


What would you like to do when you grow up? Here's a song about different jobs.

Song and lyrics © Andy Henley/Tym King; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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CookingDressCoral's picture

I  don't  work  so  hard !

GoldSapphireBluebell's picture
  • nice like it
LadyMaracasTennis's picture

 Love the song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DoctorShyPixie's picture

When I grow up I want to be a policeman)

ExcitedMetal6's picture

The song is the best! My sister and me love her!

PrincessBeach9999's picture

i love the song

MissWhitePuppy's picture

I like it!

DoctorDrumForest's picture


MissWhitePuppy's picture

 I love tihis song is great!!!!!!

MasterHelloRaft's picture

very great song i love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!