People work


What would you like to do when you grow up? Here's a song about different jobs.

Song and lyrics © Andy Henley/Tym King; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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DoctorMummyRaven's picture

It super the song

GreyLilac800's picture

The song is very nice!?!

IndigoBlueSwan's picture

I want to be a scientist,artist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^

LadyCityMusic's picture

this is the best song in the whole wide world

SilentPearl1's picture

a funny game

LadyCityMusic's picture

i love it espeshaly how it rymes!!!!!!!!!!!

CaptainMusic999's picture

How a nice song,I love it!

PrincessGlassChameleon's picture

I very like this song and I love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MissGlitterFrost's picture

this is one of my favorites songs ! 

YellowGreenFly's picture
