Pizza and chips


Do you love pizza and chips? So does this monster! Learn about food and days of the week in this song.

Lyrics © Dave Holmes | Music and animation by Cambridge English Online
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LadyMaracasTennis's picture

 I love pizza and chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DJXylophoneRhythm's picture

this song is boring and infantyl
I don't lika

BlueFairySong's picture

 this song is beatiful

ColourfulBird30's picture

i love Pizza,chips and pasta..Today at night I am going to eat Pizza.........mmmmmmmmm tastyyyy

DoctorPixieMesozoic's picture

i   like pizza with  chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   good bye!!!!!! 

RedRock60's picture

The song  is  very  nice but  too  long. For carnival we eat  pizza in the school canteen. The monster is very hungry!He needs a diet!!

LadyGuitarSandal's picture

pizza and chips :)

LivelyPearl9's picture

I like pizza with ham, sausage,mushrooms.

MasterTennisComputer's picture


LivelyPearl9's picture

hello my name is Lisa I like it.