Playing in the playground


Going down the slide and spinning on a roundabout. What do you like to do in the playground?

Song developed by Cambridge English Online
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QueenBuddy8's picture

I like this song because it's lovely. And I love playing in the PLAYGROUND!

QueenBuddy8's picture

Do you like playing in the playground? Yes.
Which do you like best, the swings, the slide or the roundabout? I like swings, when i am tired it gives me rest.
I like slide too it makes have fun wheeeing!
I do not like the roundabout it makes me feel dizzy.

QueenBuddy8's picture

Very very nice I looooooooovvvvvvveeeeeeeeee It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WowHiGoodbye's picture

wow hi goodbye

HelpfulPearl60's picture

I like playing badminton.

GarnetJade800's picture

i like it' because the VIDEO shows badminton play ,,:)

PrincessGuitarMosquito's picture

emm where are his parents? and its very bored song..

DukeScorpionPop's picture


MasterRobot1's picture

be patient mister

DukeScorpionPop's picture

where are his parents? LOL