The ballad of Lisa the lemur


Lemurs live in the forests of Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa. But lemurs are in danger as the forests disappear. Listen to a song about Lisa the Lemur and learn about lemurs.

Song and lyrics © Andy Henley/Tym King; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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CookingDressCoral's picture

So  sad !

OrangeGoldfishRaindrop's picture

 are you out of your minds???
that song is for babies
you dont have 50 cent here???
sorry for my english....

MissLuckyMouse's picture

Hi Orange Goldfish Raindrop,

Thanks for your comments. Our website is especially for children who want to learn English. You won't find any famous singers here. Try some of our other songs that are better for older children. Ok?

Bye for now! Miss Lucky Mouse (website editor)

QuietCrystal70's picture

the song is very funny and interesting.
I love it.

MissRunnerFrog's picture

It's cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LadyRose's picture

i like this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DJDinosaurFootballer's picture

The song is really good. Maybe i have a tree for the lemur Lisa. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Lisa,  you need a tree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

LadyWingRing's picture

I love this music!

PrincessBuddy7's picture

Its Really Good.
But Lisa Is Vary Poor And We Are Rich.

Did the song make you feel sad? Yes It make me Sad.

Which other animals live in the rainforest? i dont know.

SingingPizza8's picture

 this song is so sad