The busy buzz song


Buzz is a very busy bee. She's doing lots of things. Listen to a song about all the activities that she likes doing.

Song developed by Cambridge English Online
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SuperPop50's picture

 it's a beautiful song

DJDrumGhost's picture

This is a strange song.

NewRoseMobile's picture

ı lıke song

FunnyRhythmSong's picture

Sound good!

DJDragonRain's picture

Oh, i like song!!!

LadyGuitarViolin's picture

İ like it bee

NeverGoodbyeHello's picture

buzz is very busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FunnyRhythmSong's picture

What a cool song!

MissSilverMist's picture

This summer I am going to go camping with my dad,grandma and grandpa.We are going to go rafting.Then we will make a fire and cook food.We wil sleep in a tent.It will be  very cool ! I hope I enjoy this  summer.

LovelyBunny100's picture

I lke this song,too