The wheels on the bus


Listen to a song about a very busy bus.

Animation by Cambridge English Online
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CookingDressCoral's picture

Everything  on  the  bus  is  going  3  times !

BrownRubyElf's picture

 havent herd this song for ages im used 2 pop or rock

PrincessTrampoliningHi's picture

This song gowes , great , great , great
its funny and beauty

PerfectDiamond40's picture

 I like this song a lot..................

PerfectDiamond40's picture

 I like it ,it is very cool.

GreenWhite1's picture

 I  love  this  song. It  is  very  cool. 



DJMonkey9's picture

the wheels on the bus go round and round and I play this song again and's real fun

MissDiamondRobin's picture

I like this song a lot.....

GreySongWater's picture

This song gives me a lot of fun!

KingCockroachSwan's picture

I like it its so cool for the kids