The wheels on the bus


Listen to a song about a very busy bus.

Animation by Cambridge English Online
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CaptainIconKnight's picture

Nice Song :)

RacingRiverWow's picture

 I  like  this  song. It  is  easy.

SilentRubyArtist's picture

I LOVED...I want more..

LadyNatureRock's picture

Thí song is good,interesting and funny ^-^

PrincessSweaterPhoenix's picture

It's perfect.

BlueWalkingCoral's picture

its good...its very good

BlueWalkingCoral's picture

its good...its very good!!!!!!!

DJDrumGhost's picture

This song is good. :)

QueenTuneAmethyst's picture

i like it

YellowLadybirdForest's picture

I like this song!