Time for another year


January, February, March...Practise the months of the year with this song.

Song and lyrics © Dave Holmes; Animation by Cambridge English Online
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MisterClickUnited's picture

my favourite month is February,it's my birthday

QueenEel30's picture

 my favourite month is January, because it's my birthday

PinkPhoenixButterfly's picture

 i love   this  song.  is very  cool

JewelSapphireAngel's picture
  • Which is your favourite month?=İt İs June
  • Why is it your favourite month?=because i can go to GERMANY,FRANCE.LONDON AND SPAIN
DJMermaidSaxophone's picture

 its beautifule

QueenPianoAlways's picture


BronzeTeddy3's picture

Woooooowww!!!!!!!!!!This song is so good! I like it !

LordPharaohMummy's picture

It is happy song .

AncientAmulet5000's picture

hello everybody, the songs is very interesting and fun, i like it so much. thanks you.

SwimmingTunePopcorn's picture

 Tell us about your favourite month of the year.

  • Which is your favourite month?=İt İs June
  • Why is it your favourite month?=Becouse I Vant Go To Sea
  • What's the weather like at that time of year?=It İs Hot And Sunny.