Tooth family


Who is in the Tooth Family? Listen to the family sing! Try some activities and learn about teeth and how to look after them.

Song developed by Cambridge English Online
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QueenGold7's picture

I like this song because it so funny!!!

thutranglucngan's picture

i'm impressed bt this song. so how could i download it into my coputer? pls tell me :X

MissLuckyMouse's picture

Sorry, but you can't download this song at the moment.

Miss Lucky Mouse (website editor)

BraveJade800's picture

I like the tooth family

YellowClarinetRabbit's picture


  • How often do you brush your teeth?2 times a day
  • What colour is your toothbrush? light blue
  • What flavour is your toothpaste?mmm...menthol:D
  • Have any of your teeth fallen out?of course ,,,I'm 13 so all my first teeth have fallen out..;)
  • If so, how old were you when your first tooth fell out?I was 5-6  years old
AgentMillennium's picture

I have a blue toothbrush and I use a neem flavoured toothpaste. Six of my teeth have fallen out and grown too... Lucky me! tee tee teeeeeth!

MasterTennisComputer's picture

Very good song!

PerfectDiamond40's picture

my teeth are very white and bright.My toothbrush is pink.I clean my teeth 2 a day and I was 4 when I lost my first tooth.

FantasticBallerinaUnicorn's picture

Ups, I have two teeth out! When are they going to appear??? 

PrincessBeach9999's picture
