What can it be?


A horse with a horn? Do you know the amazing fantasy animals in this song?

Lyrics by Carolyne Ardron | Animation by Cambridge English Online
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MissPharaohLarva's picture

Actually i like the song but i like the MERMAID the best

PrincessYellowBelt's picture

 It is very funny, isn't it?

BronzeTeddy3's picture

I like this song!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

CaptainPonyRabbit's picture

i ilk this song a bit

MissClarinetUnicorn's picture

I know this song by heart!!!   ;P

RunningJade3000's picture

 it is a good song
I am a new frind
What can it be?
What can it be?
Is it a bull? Maybe!
Is it a man? Maybe!
A bull’s head and a man’s body!
It’s a minotaur, can you see?
What can it be?
What can it be?
Is it a man? Maybe!
Is it a horse? Maybe!
A man’s head and a horse’s body!
It’s a centaur, can you see?
What can it be?
What can it be?
Is it a horse? Maybe!
Is it a rhino? Maybe!
A horse’s body and a rhino’s horn!
It’s a unicorn, can you see?
What can it be?
What can it be?
Is it a lion? Maybe!
Is it an eagle? Maybe!
A lion’s body and an eagle’s wings!
It’s a griffin, can you see?
What can it be?
What can it be?
Is it a woman? Maybe!
Is it a fish? Maybe!
A woman’s body and a fish’s tail!
It’s a mermaid, can you see?

CleverRock6's picture

i like this song

BlackIceSnow's picture

I know a centuer

DoctorT-Rex6's picture

this a great song i ever hear

HappyAluminiumForever's picture

soooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood