Index  | Activity 5 | Activity 6 Activity 7 | Activity 8



1. Read the text:

Do  you know that the water you drink can be  the same water that a  dinosaur drank millions of years ago? There is the same amount of water on Earth today as there has always been. The water keeps moving around in an endless cycle called the water cycle.

Water itself is the only substance that exists in liquid, gas and solid form - the keys to the water cycle. Here's how the cycle works:

Water evaporates from oceans, rivers and lakes (water in its liquid form) and rises into the atmosphere (water in its gas form) where it condenses to form clouds. Precipitation then falls to the earth in the form of rain (water in its liquid) or snow (water in its solid form) where it flows into oceans, rivers and lakes and the process begins again.


This is a dinosaur.


2. Read the following text:

Of all the water on Earth, only a small amount is available for us to use. It's true!

96.5% of the Earth's water supply is salt water.
Only 2.8% is fresh water!
That 2.8% is divided like this:

Information from:



3. Would you like to play a game about water?





                                                                     Picture from:



4. Copy these questions into your notebook.

1)     Is the amount of water on the Earth changing?.

2)     In wich forms can the water exists?

3)     What amount of water is available for us to use?

4)     Look at the water cycle picture and explain the cycle.

 5. Click here and do the activity




Index  | Activity 5 | Activity 6 Activity 7 | Activity 8