Index | Activity 23 | Activity 24



Christopher Columbus' portrait, painted by Alejo Fernándõ between 1505 and 1536



1. Read the following text.

“We use the term past when talking about events that happened yesterday as well as about something which took place as long ago as the discovery of America (1492).

When study the past is important to be able to tell when events happened and when one event came before or after another. To do this we need to measure time.

The main unit of time is the year. For example, we tell how old are by the numbers of years wich have passed since we were born.

The period of time most often used in studing history is the century- a perior of a hundred years. We have lived the finish of the 20th century and we are starting the 21th century.”

From: Focus on the Past, Gill & Macmillan, 1997


2. Copy these questions into your notebook and answer them.

1.      What is a century?

2.      In what century are the following dates: 2, 155, 1492, 2006.

2.      In what century are the following dates: 2, 155, 1492, 2006.


3. Read the text.

We record all events in history from the birth of Jesus Christ. The years before the birth of Christ are followed by the letters BC (before Christ). The years after the birth of Christ use the letters AD (Anno Domini- The Year of Our Lord).

For example, the year 90 AD is in the first century after the birth of Christ, the year 190 AD is in the second century and the year 1990 AD is in the twentieth century.


    200 BC       101 BC     100 BC                   1 BC  1 AD                       100 AD     101AD              200 AD

_______½____________½______________½________________½________________!                                                                                                     s.II BC.               s. I BC.                 s. I A.D.                      s. II A.D.

4. Write down the following dates.

If you are not able to do the exercise 4  visit the follow kink:






Index | Activity 23 | Activity 24