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Shows a photo of the standing stones at Stonehenge, in silhouette against an orange sky, with the sun peeking through them.

Probably the most famous prehistoric monument

in the UK is Stonehenge

1. Click in the pictures to learn some new vocabulary.


2. What is Prehistory?

'Prehistory' is a word used to describe a period of time - the thousands of years between humans first developing, up until when they began to write things down.

Writing developed in different ways, at different times in different parts of the world, so it's hard to be exact about prehistory dates.

In Britain 'prehistory' is usually used to describe the time between about 450,000 BC up to when the Romans arrived in 43AD, almost 2000 years ago.

Because there are no written records, everything we know about the prehistoric period has been worked out from the things those early people left behind - things like their homes, graves, tools and even skeletons.

3. Copy these questions into your notebook and answer them.

1)     When did prehistory start in Britain?

2)     When did it finish?

3)     Could you able to say why finish prehistory when the Roman arrive?


4. Visit the following link here and

a )     Visit “Test your survival skills” and complete the quiz.

 b)     Visit “Tools and raw materials”

5. Here you can download two documentary films about Prehistory. They have dual sound    and you can hear them in Spanish or in English.

 ed2k: Historia de la humanidad Capt 1 - El hombre de Neandertal [DVDRIP][Dual][Docurip][By Rovin].avi
 ed2k: Historia de la humanidad capt 2 - El hombre de Cromañon[dvdrip][Dual][Docurip][By Rovin].avi






Index | Activity 22 | Activity 24