Index  | Activity 2 | Activity 3Activity 4




1. These are the planets of our solar system:


Can you write the names in the right box?

(Click in the picture to get a printable page)


2. In outer space you can find a lot of things, Do you know their names?. If you donīt know the name click in the picture.








3. Write the new words in your notebook.


4. Put the letters in order:

    nomo        mteoc        thare        tplena        usn        ermyruc        arsm        


5. Read the following text:

The solar system is made up of the Sun, the 9 planets and their 137 known moons, asteroids, comets, dust and gas. The planets, asteroids, and comets travel around the Sun, the center of our solar system.

Most of the bodies in the solar system travel around the Sun in circular paths or orbits, and all the planets travel about the Sun.

The solar system is billions of years old.

Our solar system has 9 planets that orbit a big star called the Sun. (The planets move through a path called orbit).  All the planets orbit the Sun in elliptical paths. (An ellipse is just a stretched out circle.)


All the planets take different amounts of time to get all the way around the Sun.  Our Earth takes a year to make one complete orbit. That is 365 days.

Also, all the planets spin while they move around the Sun.

6. Summary:

Solar System                   Moon                Comet              Asteroid             Sun            Orbit            Dust

        Planet                       Elliptical            Earth                Mars            Mercury         Pluto           Belt   



7. Visit the following link and answer the questions:

            Click here

1. How old is our solar system?
2. How far away is the Sun?
3. Could you mention what the so-called Red planet is?
4. What is the nearest planet to the Sun?
5. What planet has the name of the trident of Poseidon, God of the Seas?
6. How many moons have been discovered in Uranus? 

7.can you think of what tools help us explore the universe?

Activity from:

8. Visit this link and answer the questions:

            Click here

           1) What does Saturn mean?

2) How many moons does  Jupiter have?

3) What does Mercury mean?

4)Which planet is in many ways similar to the Earth?

5) What are the names of the moons of Mars?.

6) Whatīs the diameter of Uranus?

7)How much does a pound weigh?. If you donīt know it, go to google and search “pound-kilogram”.

8) How much would you weigh on Mars?



Index  | Activity 2 | Activity 3 Activity 4