Index  | Activity 1 | Activity 2 Activity 4



1. Read the following text. Click on the blue words and copy  their definition in your notebook.

From Earth, we see the Sun rise, move across the sky, and set. The stars do the same each night. But do not forget that the Sun and the stars donīt move.The Earth is constantly rotating, so we can only see the Sun a few hours.

The view from Earth is a bit like the view from a moving car. Looking out a side window you see trees and houses passing by. Now imagine that car is going in a circle. You pass the same scenery over and over again. We are all passengers on the surface of the rotating Earth and it carries us past the Sun, day after day.

The Earth rotates around the axis, an imaginary line through the center of the planet. The axis connects the North and South Poles. As the Earth spins on its axis, we are carried in and out of the sunlight that is always shining on half the planet. When one side of the planet has day, the opposite side has night. The Earth's axis is not absolutely vertical, but is tilted 23,5š.

Information from:


2. Visit the following link and answer the questions:

            Click here

1)     What is really moving the sun and the stars or the Earth?

2)     The Earth rotates around its...

      3)     How much is the Earthīs rotation axis tilted?

4)     The last picture on the web is a animation, click play and think, Are you now moving or stopped?.

5)     What are the most important consequences of the rotation movement for those who live on earth?.  


  Index  | Activity 1 | Activity 2 Activity 4