Index  | Activity 18 




1. Read the following text.

What is weather?

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time. To describe the types of weather we use different weather elements.


a)     Temperature:

-         Describes how hot or cold the air is.

-         Measured with a thermometer.

-         Recorded in degrees Celsius ( º C ).

-         Click here to find out  more about temperature.


b)     Precipitation:

-         Deposition of water from the atmosphere.

-         Precipitation includes rain, hail, sleet, snow and fog.

-         Recorded in milimetres ( mm ).

-         Measured with a rain gauge

-         Click here to find out  more about precipitation.


c)      Air Pressure:

-         The weight of the atmosphere.

-         Warm air rising = low pressure.

-         Cool air sinking = high pressure.

-         Measured with a barometer.

-         Recorded in millibars ( mb ).



d)     Wind:

-         The movement of air.

-         Wind blows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.

-         Wind direction is measured with a wind vane. (Wind direction is described by the direction wind is blowing from)

-         Wind speed is measured with a anemometer (km/h)

-         Click here to find out more about wind.



e)     Clouds:

-         Water droplets or ice crystal held in the atmosphere.

-         Measured by observation.

-         Clic here to find out more about clouds


2. Surf the above links and copy three sentences into your notebook. 

3. Answer this question: What is weather?

4. Answer this question: What are the weather elements?

5. Click here and do the exercise.

6. Read the text.

Weather has a huge impact on people´s lives. There are a lot of things affected by weather:


-         farming

-         sport

-         transport

-         energy use

-         work

-         tourism.


It is therefore very important to try to predict what the weather will be like. Weather data is collected by weather stations, ships and satellites. The data is processed using computers and analysed by weather experts, called meteorologists. Meteorologist use the data to forecast what the weather will be like for the next three or four days.

Weather forecasts are available on the radio, television, Internet and in newspaper. Weather simbols on a map are generally used to show what the weather will be like.

7. Choose one of these topics and copy the information into your notebook:





Index  | Activity 18