1st year of post-compulsory secondary education
Electrical phenomena
José Luis San Emeterio
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2.2 Lines of force in the electric field

In the visual  we can observe the intensity of the field created by one or two charges at different points in space.

In practice, to graphically represent the electric field, it is more convenient to use the concept of lines of force: lines which are tangent at every point to the field intensity vector at that point. The visual    shows us  their characteristics. Study the field created by a positive charge, by a negative charge, and by pairs of charges with equal or different values. Trace at least 6 lines of force for every case.

Then try to answer these questions: Do the lines of force intersect? Is field intensity related to the degree of approximation or separation of the lines?

Electric force
What we already know
Coulomb's law
More than two charged particles
The concept of field intensity
Field intensity
Lines of force
Potential energy and potential
What are these magnitudes?
Superposition. Work in the field
Potential, field and movement of charged particles
Relation between field intensity and potential
Movement of charged particles