Fourth year of secondary education
J.L. San Emeterio
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                                       2.2 Spherical concave mirrors                              


Have you ever looked at yourself in a spoon?  Try it. 

The surface of a spoon is concave. 

If its curvature were equal to the surface of a spherical cap, we would say that it was a concave spherical surface (which is rather difficult for normal spoons). 

superficie cóncava


Light as a wave
What type of wave is light?
Colour and luminous intensity
What is reflection?
Concave mirrors
Convex mirrors
What is refraction?
Refraction depending on colour
Converging lenses
Diverging lenses
An optical instrument: the telescope
How does it work?
What type should I buy?
Light as a particle
The photoelectric cell
What can we deduce from the way it works?