Fourth year of secondary education
Uniform Circular Movement
C. Palacios
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1.2  Uniform Circular Movement: Does it show acceleration?            

Although the circular movement is uniform and its speed is constant, its velocity is variable and thus is accelerated.
Remember that
 speed is a scalar magnitude which does not change during the UCM, while velocity  is a vector which does change constantly.

         U.C.M.       NON UNIFORM C.M.
 el vector velocidad cambia constantemente  la rapidez varķa constantemente
 el movimiento es uniforme  es un movimiento no uniforme

What is it?
Does it show acceleration?
How do we describe it?
Revolutions per minute
Radians per second
What is a radian?
Arc, angle and radius
How many radians are there in a circumference?
Angular and linear magnitudes
Linear and angular space
Linear and angular velocity