First year of secondary education
Pressure (I)
E. Vallo - J.Villasuso
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The hydraulic press 1 / 3

The hydraulic "jack" used to lift cars in the garage is a hydraulic press, a tank with two pistons with a different cross section connected to it. It amplifies the force applied to the small piston. It gives a mechanical advantage.
The press doesn't just amplify the force, but it also changes the direction of application.

NB: The point of application of the forces should be situated over the cross section of the pistons. In this visual the red force is not applied correctly due to questions of design (to see its variation more clearly in the visual without making it excessively large).

The mathematical explanation


What is pressure? How does it work?
Hydrostatic pressure
Mathematical expression
The pressure increases the deeper you go in liquids
Which goes the furthest?
A little goes a long way!
Communicating vessels
Pascal's Law
The Law
The hydraulic press
Hydraulic brakes: drum brakes