Fourth year of secondary education
Rectilinear Movement
C. Palacios
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Have you learned a lot, a little, anything?


   Can you
  • Recognize the characteristics of uniform and uniformly accelerated rectilinear movements?
  • Relate data tables with graphs?
  • Use the concept of the slope of a straight line to calculate velocities and acceleration?
  • Calculate the space covered by a moving body from its v/t graph?
  • Recognize and apply the equations of the movements studied?

    To find out, do the following exercise in 
Uniform movement (I)
What is it?
Tables and graphs
Uniform movement (II)
s/t and v/t graphs
Area under the v/t curve
Uniformly accelerating movement (I)
What is acceleration?
Uniformly accelerating movement
Data table and s/t graph
Uniformly accelerating movement (II)
s/t, v/t and a/t graphs
Area under the v/t curve