Fourth year of secondary education
Rectilinear Movement
C. Palacios
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1.2 Uniform movement: data table and s/t graph

The space covered in a Uniform Movement can be represented as a function of time. As in this movement the space covered and the time taken are proportional: the graph is always a straight line whose slope represents the speed of the movement. Regardless of the direction of the movement the space covered by the moving body is always positive. 

Uniform movement (I)
What is it?
Tables and graphs
Uniform movement (II)
s/t and v/t graphs
Area under the v/t curve
Uniformly accelerating movement (I)
What is acceleration?
Uniformly accelerating movement
Data table and s/t graph
Uniformly accelerating movement (II)
s/t, v/t and a/t graphs
Area under the v/t curve