a classical particle in a potential well

Absorbed dose

alpha particles

artificial radioactive series

beta particles

black body (graph)

black body (radiation)

Bohr's atom

cathode ray tube

contraction of space

contraction of time

Crookes tube

De Broglie's hypothesis

double-slit interference

Equivalent dose


Gamma radiation


inertial systems

interstellar travel

mean lifetime

measurement in quantum mechanics

Michelson-Morley experiment

natural radioactive series

non-inertial reference frames

Nuclear fission

Nuclear fusion

Nuclear stability


Photovoltaic cell

quantum atom

quantum potential well

quantum tunnelling

Radioactive constant

Radioactive equilibrium

Radioactive particles


relativistic paradox

relativity (Galileo)

Rutherford's atom

Soddy's first law

Soddy's second law

speed and mass of the electrons

the magnetic problem

the oscilloscope

The television

the uncertainty principle

twins paradox

wave function

What is radioactivity?


Modern physics