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Educational planning


Sitio: Moodle IES Belén
Curso: A cultural taste of Málaga
Libro: Educational planning
Imprimido por: Invitado
Día: Tuesday, 30 de July de 2024, 21:27

Tabla de contenidos

Educational planning

The idea of this proyect comes up with Comenius. Titled: 'Malaga City - A Welcome to the tourism and much more...' what we want in this plarform is to summarise, synthesize, compound a well developed knowledge about Malaga city. We want students to be able to access and work with many types of information about our habits, places, way of living, etc... before they come here to visit us. To make it possible we are decided to establish several points through whitch we will explain the contents.

Students, from sixteen till upper 20.

These are the students who came from an English High School to develope their skill about our language and culture and to know much more about our beautiful city, Málaga.

We are considering to develop the language skill of your students and their knowledge about different cultural aspects of Spain.

Fifteen units in which we will develope different subjects and we will work with the students about everyone of them.


A visit or a explanation about every unit. We will consider compulsory activities to summarize the unit (1 or 2 pages maximum) in word or a power point presentation.

Everything will be developed in two years, being able to go out or attending a explanation in every visit we programme.

The students will develope a document of every activity and they will pass and exam about the contents.

Every unit will include social activities such as, chat rooms, foros, etc... and the main support will be provided by the hosting and visiting teacher.

The students will need a desktop or laptop computer and an internet conextion.