

Distribution Automatic support

Tipo de actividad

Paises participantes



Fechas de inicio y fin
18/10/2018 – 17/10/2020

Estado del proyecto







Acquisitions:LA PARANZA DEI BAMBINI was acquired from Edge Entertainment, after they secured Scandinavian rights.LA BONNE ÉPOUSE was acquired from Memento Films Int’l at an early stage as we have had the director’s previous films.LARA was acquired from Beta as we also had this director’s previous (and first) film.SCANDINAVIAN SILENCE was acquired directly from the producer, as we also here worked on the director’s previous (and first) film.We have spent the remainder of the support on ad/promo and dig/opt. costs for the following films:1: La paranza dei bambini4: Scandinavian Silence5: Happy Ending6: One last deal7: Koko-di Koko-daAll films are released theatrically in Norway, with mixed results; # 1 and 4, less good, # 5-7 we are quite happy with. Especially Happy Ending and One Last Deal got good reviews and favourable response from the audience. #7 is a genre film, and as such performed well under expectations, but received lots of good feedback. So it had a small but enthusiastic audience. # 1 was released for Christmas and got mixed reviews and not much audience; this si always a risk at Christmas time, but we have succeeded before, so it was worth a try. # 4 is a small arthouse film, but from a very promising director that we want to build a long-term relationship with.We have marketed our films individually, within the media and possibilities available; but we also see that it is increasingly difficult to get attention today, so many things are competing for attention makes it hard to stand out. But we succeeded especially well with # 5, and partly with # 6 and 7. So as a conclusion, I would say that we are moderately happy with these releases, seen as a totality.