Katarzyna Pacholik
From 14 Dec to 15 Feb 2020




'Towards Nightfall' is an exhibition by Katarzyna Pacholik, that response to the issues our postmodern culture faces as a consequence of the omnipresence of new technologies. When we plug into our digital devices, we unplug ourselves from the real world, dulling our sensibility to actual stimuli and plunging into a sea of digital stimuli that demand our undivided attention. The eternal quality of time in the primeval forest invites us to slow down and contemplate the world around us. It makes us more receptive to hidden sensibility and self-discovery. María Zambrano described “clearings in the forest” as places where we can connect with ourselves and with the universe, where a crack opens in our consciousness that lets us sense the invisible, the other side of a presence that usually refuses to be seen. Some two hundred years ago, in his quest for alternative ways of life, Henry David Thoreau spent two years living in the woods. There, in a cabin he built himself, he found the time he sought and which other people seemed to lack: time to be, to walk and know, to get lost and listen to woodland sounds. Katarzyna Pacholik reflects on the ancient time of the primeval forest and formalises her thoughts through a long, introspective exercise in drawing that takes on processual meaning. Her work alludes to the eternity of that time in the forest, where past and future do not exist and life and death are part of the same process.

The exhibition catalogue features an essay by Paula Ramírez Vega.

The project's master is Víctor Borrego.

Openning: December 13, 12 am.

Guided tour: December 14, 1 pm.

Educational workshop: December 14, from 11 am to 1 pm.


Katarzyna Pacholik

Łódź, Poland, 1990

Katarzyna Pacholik has a BA in Architecture from the University of Łódź and a BFA from the University of Granada. She also earned an MA in Interdisciplinary and Artistic Production from the University of Málaga and did an internship at the Amsterdam studio of artist Marcel Wanders. Her work centres on investigating the medium of drawing and the relationship between human beings and nature.

She has won several grants and awards, including the ARP Grant from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Málaga; Artistic Production Grant, University of Granada; Selection of Young Artists, Sala Ático, Palace of the Counts of Gabia, Granada; ProjectArte, 1st Art Projects Competition, Espacio Santa Clara, Morón de la Frontera, Seville; and the “Acquisition for Gallery Collection” prize, Galería D’Art San Vicente, Alicante. She was also a finalist in the drawing category of the Canson School Awards and the international drawing contest organised by the Rondo Sztuki Art Gallery in Katowice, Poland.

Her work has been exhibited in Spain and abroad. Some of her most memorable shows were held at the Technological Healthcare Park and the Palace of the Counts of Gabia (Granada), Fundación Valentín de Madariaga (Seville), Rondo Sztuki Art Gallery (Katowice, Poland) and Palazzo Medici Riccardi (Florence, Italy).