Activities 2015

Juan López López

Córdoba. From 10 Dec to 14 Feb 2016

En las afueras presents a violent immersion into wild territory, an explosion of repressed sexual energy, the spectacular invasion into an unknown space that, ultimately, was already present in the textures and creases of the representation. As if the stitching had come undone and all of the hidden feelings had come to the surface.

Martínez Bellido

Sevilla. From 20 Nov to 31 Jan 2016

The artist Martínez Bellido will present the exhi­bition entitled “Niebla” [Blur].The two series included in his exhibition are: Inquisiciones [Inquisitions] ( 54 graphite pencil drawings) and Indisposiciones [Disinclinations] (9 photographs). They talk about the memory.

Dadi Dreucol

Málaga. From 16 Oct to 03 Jan 2016

In short, the ultimate aim of  Hello, Can I play? this exhibition is to invite audiences to discover the behind the scenes work that goes into making Dadi Dreucol's murals, his conception of art and his practical research in this field.

José Jurado

Córdoba. From 29 Sep to 29 Nov 2015

This exhibition retrieves the historic Spanish Golden Age and its still lifes to re-contextualise them in the 21st century, the "Cash for Gold" Age. Traces of what remains the morning after a massive binge party are photographed from different locations and perspectives across Spain.


Sevilla. From 16 Sep to 15 Nov 2015

This exhibition reflects on the nature of the gesture of daily life, exploring the relationship between public and private, value and function. It features works that are the product of constant motion, whose process and completion is related to their status as nomads in this world.

María Dávila

Málaga. From 30 Jul to 27 Sep 2015

In this project, the artist uses drawing to explore the predominantly representational quality of our relationship with the real: the specular and spectacular plane where we project an assumed identity in the folds of the duality between seeing and being seen.

Violeta Niebla • Alessandra García

Sevilla. From 11 Jun to 11 Jun 2015

This theatrical piece is a reflection, a critique and a dissection, an X-ray of today's emerging artist without taboos. This internal monologue is externalised in the most expressive language of Alessandra García. Investigative theatre.

David Escalona

Córdoba. From 21 May to 19 Jul 2015

This site-specific project for the Espacio El Palmeral is an invitation to shatter the rigid compartmentalisation of the different disciplines and activate the spectator's imagination. Based on their own needs, the audience can continue the work, being every bit as creative as the artist himself, and they must overcome the limitations imposed or self-imposed through acquired habits and the process of learning.

Elo Vázquez

Sevilla. From 07 May to 05 Jul 2015

Elo brings us a personal project about her current relationship with photography (both analogue and digital) and how it has influenced the way she captures and shares her experiences. The exhibition consists of four large-format pieces and a selection of forty images, taken with her mobile phone, from the vast archive she has been compiling since 2011.

Clara Gómez Campos

Córdoba. From 30 Apr to 28 Jun 2015

In this exhibition, Clara presents a fascinating pictorial series that redefines the concept of the landscape and portrait genres and the connection between consumerism, entertainment and tourism. The show features three series of 31 works and a 24-part polyptych, all tempera on laser print.

Hermanas Gestring

Sevilla. From 09 Apr to 09 Apr 2015

Combining a projection with a live performance, the Gestring sisters illustrate their intention of being immaculate, and how they ended up becoming straw women as a result of their efforts.

Alejandro Martín Parra • Laura Franco Carrión • Cristina Sánchez • Zeus Sánchez • Lucas Alcántara • Ignacio Estudillo • Adrián Olivares

Málaga. From 10 Mar to 03 May 2015

This group show reflects on the current orientation of institutions and the economic sector's growing interest in the arts, which has become one of Málaga's main tourist draws in recent times: 8 proposals for 8 different spaces.

Jesús M. Sánchez • Claudia Ihrek • Antonio Barahona • Mariana Hormaechea

Sevilla. From 05 Mar to 03 May 2015

The Past in the Present: Constructing the Contemporary Landscape from the Sublimecurated by Mariana Hormaechea attempts to examine the way in which three artists connect visions of the past with the landscape of the present, and how they construct the contemporary landscape from a romantic perspective.

Rafael Blanco (Nankayshan)

Córdoba. From 26 Feb to 26 Apr 2015

Today the languages of photography are expanding faster than ever before. People are talking about post-photography, the new reality and new documentary photography, and yet these new discourses continue to coexist with the most traditional canons of photography. This show examines all of that and the advent of the fictional photo narrative through 30 photographs.

Manuel Jurado

Córdoba. From 16 Dec to 13 Feb 2015

Manu Jurado brings his exhibition ‘Hasta el cuello (Neck deep) to Cordoba for the first time, which is a true accumulation of intentions, sensations, and feelings, in which the relationship between the work and the spectator is highly important.

Javier Artero • Fran Conde • Javier Valverde • Victoria Maldonado • José Luis Valverde

Málaga. From 11 Dec to 15 Feb 2015

On the basis of a formal heterogeneity and a thematic multiplicity framed in daily life, the artists present a series of pieces whose common point is the conflict between the accuracy of representation as an independent entity and the unbreakable symbolic reference to that referenced.

Jonás Torres

Sevilla. From 04 Dec to 20 Feb 2015

Estructura moral del paraíso (Moral structure of paradise) is a delicate connection made by the author in which he joins three photographic projects and a video created from 878 photographs. In each of them, he represents, in his own way, the pillars underlying the crisis, such as emigration, job insecurity and evictions, and of course the state of miserable people clinging to the past good times.