Lola Guerrera

Córdoba, 1982

Holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Uni-versity of Málaga and a Masters in Photography from the EFTI international school. She has taken part in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Spain, England, Portugal, France, Guate-mala, Singapore and Mexico. She has received various awards, most notably the Artist Grant for Ibero-Americans in Mexico and Daniel Vázquez Díaz, being selected for the SIPF International Photography Festival (Singapore), Descubrimientos PHE 2010, Photoespaña 2012 and the Fun-dación AENA, Fundación Biodiversidad, Caminos de Hierro, Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud and MálagaCrea2013 awards. She is currently represented by the Astarté Art gallery in Madrid and Voz Galerie in Paris. Her photographs have been bought by private institutions such as the Museum of Contemporary Art in Málaga and the Fundación AENA. They have also been published by prestigious magazines such as Blink, Réponses Photo and the Guía de Fotografía Actual 2012.

Her work combines sculpture and installation, highlighting the artisan use of different materials like paper, thread and powder. The most noteworthy of her recent works are Cotidianidades and Delicias en mi jardín where she experiments with creative uses of white paper in a slow and me-ticulous production process; and Nebula Humilis where she works with the sculptural effects of such ephemeral materials as powder, where the predictable moves to the background and the final image is at the mercy of the various situations that arise. Guerrera uses photography to recreate situations and invent scenes, artificial lies imbued with a certain magical touch. Thus, she employs photography to document how her actions determine the perception of a place that is transformed by the artist’s intervention into ephemeral scenarios open to imagination.

Lola Guerrera


Lola Guerrera

Córdoba. From 23 Sep to 21 Nov 2014

To talk face to face with this concept is to establish a relationship with the essence of a self-absorbed humanity, which does not stop looking for solutions to the essential questions for which there are no answers.