ETIQUETA 'installation'

Nano Orte

Córdoba. From 21 Apr to 11 Jun 2017

'The whims of flow. BODY' is a site-specific installation that merges two separate disciplines: visual arts and oriental feng shui philosophy.

Efrén Calderón

Córdoba. From 18 Jan to 25 Feb 2017

Efrén Calderón is an artist who immerses us in the world of graffiti that comes with his project 'Home'.

Leonor Serrano Rivas

Sevilla. From 22 Dec to 26 Feb 2017

The exhibition 'Recurrent Patterns' of Leonor Serrano Rivas in Sala Santa Inés of Seville.

Alejandro Ginés

Córdoba. From 14 Oct to 18 Dec 2016

Alexander, with his work, sends a message, which tells of the difficulty of human beings to find a place in the world, bearing in mind the political and historical reality we live in, and makes us reflect on the craft of the artist in a complex context as is the today.

Sara Blanco • Gonzalo Fuentes • Demetrio Salces • Leonor Serrano Rivas • Blanca del Río

Málaga. From 22 Jul to 25 Sep 2016

It is a group show with an intensely theatrical mise-en-scène designed to seduce visitors and make them actors in a performance based on scepticism, relativity and the simulacrum of the image.

Violeta Niebla • Beatriz Ros

Málaga. From 05 May to 03 Jul 2016

Violeta and Beatriz initiated a game in which their goal was to project an improbable autobiography, to stage what the present indicates (at least to Beatriz) is not a viable future.

Christian Lagata

Sevilla. From 22 Apr to 26 Jun 2016

This proyect of Christian Lagata reveal lived moments that have been extracted and placed in captivity. It is as if we had been handed a key without knowing which door it opens, ambiguously coaxing us to partake of a worldly wisdom that is not our own but still seems oddly familiar.  


Gabriela Mossutto

Córdoba. From 25 Feb to 24 Apr 2016

"Other spaces" is an exhibition project where the artist Gabriela Mossutto facilities constructed by forms that evoke urban maps from materials left in the sun and vacant lots.

Miguel Azuaga

Sevilla. From 19 Feb to 17 Apr 2016

'Towards the Other' combines the Romantic figure of the traveller with the harsh reality of the immigrant, from the most picturesque Alpine peak to the rust-stained industrial parks of Switzerland and its soulless railway stations.

Antonio R. Montesinos

Málaga. From 04 Feb to 03 Apr 2016

There is nothing random or coincidental about Antonio R. Montesino's exhibition project Entropía (Equilibrio, ruido, dispersión) [Entropy (Balance, Noise, Dispersion)], for through it the artist primarily aims to address and elucidate two themes that have dominated his recent work: the questioning of organisational models and the construction of new models based on a reinterpretation of objects that the current system discards as waste.