Sara Blanco

Seville, 1991

Earned her degree in Art History from the University of Seville and later completed an MA in Architecture and Historical Heritage at the same school. In addition, she has taken various courses on curating and developing exhibition projects at Fundación Valentín de Madariaga y Oya-MP (Seville) and on the art market at the Sotheby's Institute of Art (London).

She has worked as a curatorial assistant on several exhibitions, including El impact de lo viejo at Fundación Cajasol, Seville, and Expectativa y Memoria. España-Marruecos. XX/XXI, organised by Fundación Ankaria in the Sala del Apeadero at the Reales Alcázares of Seville.

Sara currently works at the Valladolid art gallery La Gran, where her duties include general coordination and communication activities, thanks to a 2016 Emplea Cultura job grant received from Fundación Banco Santander. She is also the coordinator and editor-in-chief of Presente Continuo, an online portal dedicated to archiving and promoting contemporary Andalusian art.


Sara Blanco


Sara Blanco • Gonzalo Fuentes • Demetrio Salces • Leonor Serrano Rivas • Blanca del Río

Málaga. From 22 Jul to 25 Sep 2016

It is a group show with an intensely theatrical mise-en-scène designed to seduce visitors and make them actors in a performance based on scepticism, relativity and the simulacrum of the image.