ETIQUETA 'picture'

Lucía Tello

Málaga. From 31 Jan to 27 Mar 2022

Eternal Feminine  invites us to stop and truly think about the stereotypes lurking behind the innocuous appearance of some of the objects with which young girls amuse themselves. The artist’s attentive gaze picks up on particular qualities and translates them into the language of painting, her habitual medium up to this point.

Javier Valverde

Sevilla. From 27 Nov to 21 Mar 2021

We begin with the initial premise under which two elements – the path and the journey – have been present in all the previous projects, creating a series of works defined by a cross between painting and cinema, or rather a hybridisation of both media, with the latter arising from the discipline of painting in which it is firmly rooted.

Irene Sánchez Moreno

Cádiz. From 22 Dec to 23 Feb 2019

The brand of high-mountain landscape art practised by Irene Sánchez belongs less to the realm of the sublime than to the sphere of the emotional, sustained by a thoughtful subjectivity that occasionally borders on the spiritual.