Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia



How can you get in contact with TALENTIA Fellows?

Would you like to contact a TALENTIA grantee(s)?

We will put you in contact.


How does the Talentia Fellowship Program assist applicants in their program choice?

The selection of the postgraduate course, country, educational centre and the preparation for admission are key factors to obtain the Talentia grant.

Each individual/candidate is responsible for completion of his/her admission request to universities and educational institutions abroad. 

To ensure admission, it is extremely important that they choose a program that suits their career profile. Therefore, the AAC recommends to make the effort to thoroughly prepare the admission file and to get in contact with the admission centre/department or career service in order to be informed on how to make the application, required documents, qualifications, …

Please let us know your availability to present your institution whilst you are in Spain.


What about the application costs?

Costs generated by the application process (translation, sending of documents, exam fees, visa, etc.) are not covered by the Talentia Fellowship Program.


What programs does the Talentia Fellowship Program cover?

If the applicant graduated within 10 years before the application, he/she may apply for Master, MBA/EMBA, professional programs or PhD  programs to a maximum of 24 months.


              For those who want to complete their education abroad.


For those who have at least 3 years of professional experience, leadership capacity and international profile.


For those with at least 5 years of work experience, occupying an executive post and wanting to attain advanced skills into executive management and leadership with corporate support and without interrupting their career.


For those with a research profile who would like to specialize abroad under the supervision of an Andalusian Research Institution.

Professional programs

For those experienced and with their career on track who strive to maximize their education by attending a professional program counting on the commitment of their employer.


What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

  • Academic and professional profile: 40%
  • Quality of the proposed program: 25%
  • Proposed career and professional return plan: 25%
  • Progress in admission process: 5%
  • Connection centre of choice to Andalusia: 5%

Selections for TALENTIA Fellowships are conducted by the Selection and Evaluation Committee.

Profiles are evaluated for:

  • Outstanding academic and professional merit, plus social commendations. 
  • Quality of the proposed program of study for which admission is considered.
  • Proposed career and professional return plan.
  • Foreign language proficiency or foreign university endorsing admission.

To hone the process, personal interviews may be decided for select candidates in order to assess the candidate’s global perspective, personality, creativity, initiative and leadership potential.


Does the applicant need to be admitted in order to obtain the grant?

Admission calendars may vary and it is quite impossible to adjust the dates and calls.

That is why applications are assessed in the following order:

1. those who have been admitted for a program.

2. those who are in process of admission.

3. those who did not yet initiate the admission process but intend to (and list the universities)

Those who did not obtain admission yet when applying for the grant (2 & 3), may be granted the Fellowship if they fulfill the evaluation/selection requirements and on condition that they get unconditional admission at the university.


Who appears on the TALENTIA list of recommended destinations/programs?

This list of recommended institutions is among other criteria based upon rankings and reviews. The quality of the destinations/programs is evaluated by the Direction of Evaluation and Accreditation (DEVA), an administrative autonomous organism from the Regional Government.

This list is used as a guide for our evaluation process. Both the university and the area of recommendation are taken into consideration. Some universities are excellent for some programs, but not for others. And certainly some very important and prestigious universities are not on the current list. That is why the Evaluation and Selection Committee allows applicants to select educational centers that are not included, although that should be exceptional cases. In those cases the applicant is requested to submit additional information that proves that the chosen program and university suits their career path and return plan and can be measured with the universities and programs on the list of prestige universities and areas of recommendation.


What is the purpose of the MOU?

Working together on achieving common goals, address common issues and to establish common priorities.

To better inform/assist/orientate successful candidates in their selection and admission to further advance their educational careers.

All actions will be mutually discussed and agreed upon.

There is no funding attached to the MOU.


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© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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