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Barranquismo en el Parque Natural Sierra Norte de Sevilla

Andalusian natural spaces offer the possibility of experiencing spectacular sensations
Through the activity of canyoning s becoming a unique and unforgettable experience. It is a sports modality in direct contact with nature that combines elements and techniques of caving and mountaineering , so it must be carried out with the material and adequate equipment .

Andalusia has numerous places of great beauty where you can develop this activity and in which, depending on the orography of the terrain , you will cross from rocks to gorges, passing through impressive waterfalls, natural slides and narrow verticals that may require the use of different techniques such as rappelling or jumping into pools of water from different heights.

Depending on the characteristics of the descent, canyoning can have different levels of difficulty, the most affordable being the one in which no climbing or abseiling is performed and the water areas are also scarce. The appearance of rappels and climbs with jumps over the water at different heights increases the level of difficulty. It is therefore an activity that requires knowledge of specific techniques , being advisable to have adequate physical preparation for the effort and agility required. Active tourism companies operate in Andalusia, whose services include canyoning, providing you with the equipment and the technical knowledge necessary to enjoy remote natural paradises of great beauty while experiencing intense sensations.

In the "Companies" section of each of the files of the protected natural areas of this web portal, you can consult the companies adhered to both the Andalusian Natural Park Brand and the European Charter of Sustainable Development , which operate in each space.

If you want to make canyoning a regular practice, you can also get information from the Andalusian Mountaineering Federation ( ) or in some of the many existing clubs.

Inside the river, alter its bottom as little as possible

Disinfecting the material used helps protect our aquatic flora and fauna. Without knowing it, you could introduce very harmful invasive species

Enjoy the activity, but in a safe and sustainable way. Check your gear and practice wisely.

In small groups you will enjoy more and leave less mark

Explain these good practices to others who do not follow them. May your way of acting be an example to follow

Find out beforehand if you need a permit or if there are temporary restrictions for conservation or security reasons.

Find out about the most fragile areas of the route and try to avoid them if it is safe

March along the shore when possible

For your safety and that of the environment, do not go off the established itineraries

Perform your needs out of the water and avoid places of passage or meeting

Always use the approach paths and roads. Shortcuts spoil the environment


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