The Andalusian coast offers the possibility of enjoying this activity and enjoying the colorful and biodiversity of the seabed . The Natural Parks of the Strait and Cabo de Gata-Níjar or the Cliffs of Maro-Cerro Gordo Natural Park are some of the natural spaces where being able to practice diving and delight in observing posidonia meadows or a great variety of fish and other marine invertebrates. Enclaves such as the Island of Tarifa, the Herradura beach in Almuñecar or the Escullos and the Isleta del Moro in Cabo de Cat are essential appointments for lovers of this activity.

If you are interested in living this experience, there are many companies and specialized centers that offer their services to carry out this activity. In the "Companies" section of each of the files of the protected natural areas of this web portal, you can consult the companies adhered to both the Andalusian Natural Park Brand and the European Charter of Sustainable Development , which operate in each space.

Remember that it is an activity that must be carried out in a safe and respectful with the medium. In this same file you can consult a compilation of good practices to take into account if you are going to practice this activity.

If you want to learn more about the practice of this activity You can consult the website of the Andalusian Federation of Underwater Activities (https://faas.com.es/) or the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (https://www.padi.com/).

Always follow the guide diver's instructions

Enjoy the activity, but in a safe and sustainable way. Check your gear and practice wisely.

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In small groups you will enjoy more and leave less mark

Explain these good practices to others who do not follow them. May your way of acting be an example to follow

Extreme care in cavities and cavities. Avoid them if you are not trained

Find out beforehand if you need a permit or if there are temporary restrictions for conservation or security reasons.

Keep the seabed free of debris. Do not leave anything behind and, if you find plastic, leads or batteries, try to take them to land

Do not go near fishing gear for your safety and respect for artisanal fishermen

Regularly practice the basic exercises of safety and control of the equipment with your partner in a maximum of 3 meters

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Respect life under the sea: do not harm or disturb the marine flora and fauna and remember not to offer food

If you hit the bottom, regain your buoyancy without flapping by using your balancing vest

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

Be especially careful not to hit corals or gorgonians with your fins or equipment

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