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Signposted trails

The massif in question is part of the Andalusian Betic mountain ranges, a mountainous set of metamorphic rocks that, in the case of Sierra Blanca, are predominantly formed of marble, hence the name given to these (white) lands, distinguishing them from others nearby which are popularly known as the “brown mountains”.

It is a series of geomorphological units based on ridges and limestone mountain ranges that, on occasion, lead to karsified platforms, due to the high degree of weathering and transformation of the original rocks due to erosion. The relief, therefore, is that of a mountain landscape, with maximum heights more or less aligned in a southwest-northeast direction reaching maximum altitude in Cerro del Lastonar, with 1,279 metres. The series of peaks culminate with the geodesic vertex of La Concha (1,215 metres), perhaps the best known peak in the entire area, along with the Cruz de Juanar (1,184 metres). The latter has a seafaring legend, for which pilgrims have been scaling its terrain from Marbella since the mid-18th century. Due to a large part of the protected area territory having average altitudes of 1,000 metres, the Sierra Blanca SAC is framed within the landscape area known as “Serranías de Montaña Media”, with hardly any alterations derived from human action.

Thanks to the limestone nature of the geological materials that make up this group, the SAC is of notable importance as an area of accumulation, reserve and external supply of groundwater, with an extremely important aquifer for suppliance and irrigation means. Some surface channels that originate from Sierra Blanca supply other special conservation areas nearby, as in the case of the Río Real SAC.

Forest and natural areas predominate over other land uses. These areas are mainly made up of arboreal pasture or scrubland formations, covering more than 87% of the surface of the protected area, contrasting with the cultivated land, that occupies only 4.8% of the total area. Paying close attention to the natural plant communities of the SAC, several habitats of community interest have facilitated the inclusion of these lands in the Natura 2000 Network, along with other environmental values. The best represented habitats are the thermo-Mediterranean (lowland) scrublands of a varied nature: Cistus-thyme formations, thorny mastic trees, strawberry trees, brooms, hawthorn, gorse and thyme alongside scrubland. Together with evergreen meadows made up of species of Quercus genus, they constitute almost 20% of the protected area. In third place, are the mixed formations of pine and juniper, with forests of black pine, juniper, Spanish juniper and heather, as well as the high scrubland of the mountain massifs and some mid-mountain scrubland which is not much more than diminishing forms of holm oaks and junipers. There are also areas covered in grasslands typical of dry environments with a Mediterranean climate and wide distribution: tinder, pastureland and some other variants. Other areas have vegetation coverage related to afforestation as well as agricultural use, especially in the Juanar area.

The inventory of significant flora species in Sierra Blanca highlights the most famous autochthonous spruce of Andalusia; the Spanish fir. In fact, the SAC is included in a recovery plan for the endangered species given that it hosts strongholds of this endemism, with its biggest population in the neighbouring mountains of Las Nieves, Bermeja and Grazalema. The importance of this SAC in terms of biodiversity is such so that actions related to other specialised conservation measures, for other endangered species in Andalusia, such as the Recovery and Conservation Plan for Fish and Invertebrates in Epicontinental Aquatic Environments, and the Amphibians and Reptiles Conservation Program exist.

The fauna living temporarily or permanently in these mountains is varied and diverse, despite the great homogeneity of the ground cover, due to the mosaic effect that the different patches of vegetation produce. The SAC has a key role as great ecological corridor, enabling the connection and expansion of numerous species to other protected areas in the environment. Birds mainly associated with rocky and forest habitats are common, and in the bush and open spaces numerous passerines, some of them migratory in nature. Birds of prey seeking other climates tend to use these mountain areas as temporary resting or feeding grounds. In terms of mammals, the wild goat is one of the great attractions of these mountains, as well as other more elusive species, such as roe deer and genets, who make themselves virtually invisible to us.

This area of the Natura 2000 Network is used by the public on a large scale, organised practically around the Juanar area and the Llanos de Purla area. In the former, there are various public facilities. The signposted Juanar-Puerto Marbella trail, is very straightforward and therefore suitable for almost all ages and physical conditions. The walk itself introduces different ecosystems, including the pine forest, scrubland and the agrosystem of mountain olive groves in contact with the forest environment. Binoculars and a camera are a good idea as both the birdlife and landscape are highly attractive. They can be admired from either of the two viewpoints located on the trail. From the Mirador del Corzo there are magnificent views of the town of Ojén and the eastern “brown mountains”. At the Mirador del Macho Montés there is a panoramic view looking out towards the coast, down to Marbella, with the added bonus of a wild goat sculpture presiding over the viewpoint. In Llanos de Purla, there is a recreational area of the same name; an open-air space that provides ample infrastructure for recreation and picnics. This recreational area also has a restaurant, Venta Pula.

Aside from this, there are a number of trails and tracks belonging to the protected area that are frequently used by mountaineers and hikers to enjoy routes and ascend to La Concha, Cruz de Juanar and El Pozuelo, to name just a few. There are specific signposted routes made available by the Andalusian Federation of Mountaineering including some of the stages of the Great Path of Malaga.

Like other SACs in the area, Sierra Blanca is also a part of the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean, approved by the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) Program on October 25th, 2006, and has also been part of the Sierra de las Nieves Biosphere Reserve since 1995, making it a protected area considered very highly internationally.

  • Provinces Málaga
  • Icono Municipios
    Municipalities Istan, Marbella, Monda, Ojen
  • Icono Superficie
    Total area 6.547,74 ha.
  • Icono Calendario
    Declaration Date 09 - May - 2015


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Go to our visitor centres, information points and ecomuseums to get the most out of your visit.

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Respect the facilities put at your disposal. We all pay for its maintenance.

Respect the facilities put at your disposal. We all pay for its maintenance.

Help prevent fires. Do not throw cigarettes or any other object that produces combustion.

Help prevent fires. Do not throw cigarettes or any other object that produces combustion.

Trash doesn't come back alone. Take it with you to the nearest container. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Trash doesn't come back alone. Take it with you to the nearest container. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Noise is another form of pollution. In silence you will enjoy your experience more.

Noise is another form of pollution. In silence you will enjoy your experience more.

Live respectfully with the locals and other users. Respect private property.

Live respectfully with the locals and other users. Respect private property.

Facilitate use for people with special needs.

Facilitate use for people with special needs.

By consuming local products and counting on local companies, you will contribute to rural development.

By consuming local products and counting on local companies, you will contribute to rural development.

Practice responsible tourism and committed to the environment. Be a true ecotourist!

Practice responsible tourism and committed to the environment. Be a true ecotourist!

Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!

The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!



La Tomillería y Romería de San Miguel Domingo antes del 29 de septiembre
Tostonás de castañas 1 de noviembre


Día de la sopa mondeña Un domingo de mayo
Feria de San Roque Del 16 al 20 de agosto

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