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Pasaporte Module

Few routes are as endearing and nostalgic as those that revive the old bridle paths and even more if they connect valleys through steep mountain ranges, as is the case of the Játar-Puerto de Cómpeta trail. It is easy to imagine the tired passage of the mules, loaded and sweaty, climbing the stone steps and meandering up to the top of this pass to then descend on the opposite side. These are old tales, you may think, but some are not so old. The passage of the muleteers through this pass lasted until 1970 and occasionally, even later. One of the products that had to arrive quickly and frequently were the fish from the coast, which traveled at night to avoid the heat, but it is not the only merchandise. On the way back there was always something to transport, wool, groceries, cereals and much more.

The hiking trail begins in the industrial area of Játar, about 2.5 kilometres south of the town. From here we can start enjoying ourselves. Right at the beginning and under our feet is the Linarejo cave. You can visit it on the return trip, but for now you must must know that some of the waters that enters the mountains spill over here feeding one of the many streams of clean waters that collect in the Bermejales reservoir.

The trail is easy to follow because it has been marked out by horseshoes and the passing of time. After crossing the Las Cuevas ravine, we ascend through the trench that was created by the weather. At the highest point, it is advisable to take a short break to scan the horizon. Here the path is embedded more than two metres deep as for many hundreds of years horseshoes have ground the rock and water has carried away debris.

We now descend towards Venta Lope. The small springs, now in disuse or used as an occasional watering hole, were highly valued for watering a small garden in the vicinity of the inn. The farmhouse, quite modest and now in ruins, was a place to stop, rest, meet people, enjoy a glass of orujo (grape liqueur), roll a cigarette and converse. Not only did the muleteers stop here, but also shepherds, loggers, hunters, travelers and the bohemians that hung around the area. It is clearly an endearing place, which invites us to drift away and dream about the many experiences in these places, which time has evaporated.

We circulate through the sunny side of the mountain on bluish terrain where there are frequent landslides. Soon after we cross to the upper channel of the Añales river to enjoy the shady dense vegetation, mainly of maritime pine. We climb up to 1,440 metres of altitude to find ourselves facing Puerto de Cómpeta and, even more evident, a precious marble quarry, which is no longer in operation. Recent cuts in the rock allow us to see the white, veined, gray and bluish colours. The cutting benches follow one another up to a height of more than 50 metres. Some debris and remains of machinery still remain in the area as a reminder of the forgotten industry. It is necessary to go through the actual pass (1,404 metres), to find the traces of the old bridle path, which from here descends to the Moorish towns of La Axarquía.

  • Icono Provincia
    Provinces Granada
  • city
    Municipalities Alhama De Granada, Arenas Del Rey
  • trace
    Tracing Linear
  • distance
    One way distance (meters) 6.757
  • Icono Calendario
    Duration 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Icono Calendario
    Difficulty Medium


From the town of Játar, we take the avenue Avenida de las Peñuelas and continue on the road towards Arenas del Rey for 2.5 km until we reach the industrial park of Játar, where our hiking trail begins.

Go to our visitor centres, information points and ecomuseums to get the most out of your visit.

Go to our visitor centres, information points and ecomuseums to get the most out of your visit.

Do not disturb or feed the animals. You would negatively alter their behavior.

Do not disturb or feed the animals. You would negatively alter their behavior.

Check the weather forecast before starting your activity.

Check the weather forecast before starting your activity.

Bring water, sun protection, suitable clothing and footwear.

Bring water, sun protection, suitable clothing and footwear.

Bring a mobile phone with enough battery in case of emergency (112), but remember that there is not always coverage.

Bring a mobile phone with enough battery in case of emergency (112), but remember that there is not always coverage.

For your safety and that of the environment, do not go off the signposted trail or take shortcuts.

For your safety and that of the environment, do not go off the signposted trail or take shortcuts.

Extreme caution in adverse conditions and in the occasional presence of animals or motor vehicles.

Extreme caution in adverse conditions and in the occasional presence of animals or motor vehicles.

Follow the recommendations and comply with the regulations at all times

Follow the recommendations and comply with the regulations at all times

Respect the facilities put at your disposal. We all pay for its maintenance.

Respect the facilities put at your disposal. We all pay for its maintenance.

Help prevent fires. Do not throw cigarettes or any other object that produces combustion.

Help prevent fires. Do not throw cigarettes or any other object that produces combustion.

Trash doesn't come back alone. Take it with you to the nearest container. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Trash doesn't come back alone. Take it with you to the nearest container. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Avoid going out alone. If you do, communicate the route and time of return to other people.

Avoid going out alone. If you do, communicate the route and time of return to other people.

Noise is another form of pollution. In silence you will enjoy your experience more.

Noise is another form of pollution. In silence you will enjoy your experience more.

Live respectfully with the locals and other users. Respect private property.

Live respectfully with the locals and other users. Respect private property.

Facilitate use for people with special needs.

Facilitate use for people with special needs.

By consuming local products and counting on local companies, you will contribute to rural development.

By consuming local products and counting on local companies, you will contribute to rural development.

Practice responsible tourism and committed to the environment. Be a true ecotourist!

Practice responsible tourism and committed to the environment. Be a true ecotourist!

Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!

The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!

Find out in advance about the possible existence of hunting activity.

Find out in advance about the possible existence of hunting activity and remember that all public use facilities are declared safety zones.


  • Wednesday, 17 July 2024
    • WIND SPEED 0km/h
  • Thursday
    Intervalos nubosos con lluvia escasa
    37° max.
    21° min.
    • WIND SPEED 10km/h
    • CHANCE OF RAIN 70%
  • Friday
    Poco nuboso
    38° max.
    24° min.
    • WIND SPEED 15km/h
  • Saturday
    38° max.
    24° min.
    • WIND SPEED 20km/h

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