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Amongst the beaches of fine white sand that characterise the Tarifa area, Los Lances is outstanding for its size and beauty, and is a favourite with surfers from all over the world. Located in the southernmost part of Europe, on one side it looks to the Strait of Gibraltar and the African coast, and on the other towards the mountains of the Sierra de los Montes de Tarifa. The landscape is further benefited by the Jara and Vega Rivers. Along with Salado Stream, these create an area of great natural wealth. The abundance of fish and molluscs here attracts mammals such as the otter, that hides in the riverbank reeds and rushes.

Within the Natural Area there are also tidal wetland areas and flooded grazing areas whose salinity drops with the annual rains. In these conditions, saltmeadow cordgrass and sea-blite flourish. Bird watchers will have the chance to photograph sandpipers and Kentish plovers - this is an ideal mating environment for fascinating During unfavourable winds, a large number and variety of migratory birds congregate on Los Lances Beach. These include eagles, falcons and kites, waiting for better conditions to cross the Strait of Gibraltar.

Its location at the convergence of maritime winds and currents means that the area has an interesting heritage of shipwrecked boats. These sunken vessels, set on huge sand banks up to Bolonia Bay, are an additional attraction for scuba diving. Furthermore, as is the case throughout the entire Estrecho Natural Park, there are many activities on offer, from boat trips to see whales and dolphins to a variety of wind sports such as windsurfing. There are also organised trips to visit the old town of Tarifa, with its impressive walled enclosure and gastronomy with outstanding fish, golden thistle and snails.

This Natural Area includes the coastal lagoon of Los Lances beach, next to the bird observatory located on the Los Lances hiking trail. This lagoon was declared a Protected Natural Area by Law 2/1989, July 18th, which approves the inventory of protected natural protected areas in Andalusia, and additional protection measures have been established. In addition, it has been declared a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Bird Protection Area (SPA), forming part of the Natura 2000 European Ecological Network, combining amongst other natural protected areas, the Reserva de la Biosfera Intercontinental del Mediterráneo (Intercontinental Biosphere Mediterranean Reserve).

The lagoon is of natural importance, hosting habitats of interest (1150 and 1510, coastal lagoons and Mediterranean salt steppes) and priority in compliance with Council Directive 92/43/CEE May 21st, 1992, related to the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna (Habitats Directive). Eagles, hawks and kites, among other birds of prey, wait it out in this spot for the optimal conditions to cross the Strait. The plover also uses the lagoon and its surroundings for nesting. Many of these species of birds are under some degree of threat and therefore protected by regional, state or European regulations.

Please note that kitesurfing in the lagoon area is prohibited. For more information consult the Activities section of this same file.

  • Provinces Cádiz
  • Icono Municipios
    Municipalities Tarifa
  • Icono Superficie
    Total area 226,00 ha.
  • Icono Calendario
    Declaration Date 28 - July - 1989



Please kindly recall that the practice of kitesurfing in the lagoon area is strictly prohibited, in accordance with section 4.g) of Decree 262/2007, October 16th, which passed the Master Plan for Use and Management of the Estrecho Natural Park and modified the Plan for the Management of Natural Resources of the Algeciras-Tarifa Coastal Front, approved by Decree 308/2002, 23rd December.
Equally, the Municipal Ordinance of the City of Tarifa states in art. 61.7: “Due to its high environmental value and because it is a Special Protection Area for Birds, it is forbidden to practice any water sport in the coastal lagoon of Playa de los Lances and its immediate surroundings.”

The image shows the limits of the lagoon area in the Playa de los Lances Natural Area.

enlace ecoturismos andaluz

Alojamiento en hotel 3 estrellas, modalidad playa, “Hotel Punta Sur”; Servicio de restauración en Restaurante "Hotel Punta Sur

N-340, Km.77.

11380 - Tarifa (Cádiz)

956684919- 621281195


Alojamiento en hotel 2 estrellas, modalidad playa, “Hotel Hurricane”; Servicio de restauración en Restaurante "Hotel Hurricane"

N-340, Km.78.

11380 - Tarifa (Cádiz)

956684919- 621281195

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Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

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Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

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The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!

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